The atmosphere in which constitutional reform is being proposed is far from ideal. However, without this public excoriation of MPs behaviour no reforms would ever have been proposed.
The problem with creating a more stable and rational environment — in which to decide the fate of MPs, the workings of parliament and the public's relationship with it all — is that there is no-one able to take charge by creating a framework through which these issues can be addressed and resolved.
Logically, the prime minister should step up to this role. He is at the top of the political tree as far as implementing constitutional change is concerned. Furthermore, at a time of public disquiet, regardless of his constitutional obligations, the public looks to a prime minister to allay fears and set an agenda that encompasses public concerns.
Unfortunately, the prime minister is on holiday. Even if he wasn't, it's clear he is inadequate to fulfil this public duty. Either he cannot appreciate that leadership is needed or he knows he is devoid of the talents to provide it. His absence from control and command just as parliament's walls are crumbling speaks volumes. Can anyone imagine Cameron hunkering down in the bunker like Brown if political roles were reversed?
Cameron is acting more prime ministerly than the prime minister. He has the advantage of not yet being granted the Queen's commission. But the longer Macavity is nowhere to be found the greater chance an unsettled public will demand the Queen has the opportunity to rectify her commission PD soon.
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