Tuesday 24 March 2009

Hannan's Broadside

You'll have seen it everywhere. And you can watch it here too.

Dan Hannan fires round after withering round at our unesteemed Prime Minister as Brown sits like a coconut shy trapped in the belly of the European Parliament.

Brown was in Strasbourg as part of his demi-global tour trying to whip up enthusiasm for world leaders to commit the biggest financial stimulus the world has seen at the London G20 meeting in April.

I'm pleased also to quote from Brown's speech on his obsequious claim to European credentials:
"I stand here today proud to be British and proud to be European: representing a country that does not see itself as an island adrift from Europe but as a country at the centre of Europe, not in Europe's slipstream but firmly in its mainstream."
Words that surely spell electoral ignominy for any British politician.

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